Credit Monitoring - Page 6

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The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act – What You Need to Know

The growing trend of shopping and banking online or through mobile phones plays a significant role in the increasing number of identity theft victims each year. Combined with the advancing technology used by cyber criminals to steal consumer information, it is no surprise that nearly 17.6 million Americans suffered from identity theft in 2014, the […]

Understanding Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

In 1970, the law governing the activities of the three major credit reporting agencies, known as the Fair Credit Reporting Act or FCRA, was passed in an effort to provide a specific set of rights for consumers. The FCRA is focused on safeguarding the information gathered, maintained, and shared by the credit reporting agencies, namely […]

How Many FICO Credit Score Models and Versions are There?

FICO, the most commonly used credit score by lenders and creditors, has been around since 1989. Since that time, the credit scoring company has developed and implemented several iterations of the FICO credit score, many of which are still used in evaluating credit applications today. As consumer behaviors change and lending requirements shift, so do […]

Credit Scores are Dropping – Tips for Keeping Yours Healthy

Data released by Lending Club recently shows that both credit markets and credit scores are under-performing. The data revealed that people’s average credit scores were actually falling, which implies that those people are being too risky with their credit. This could partially be attributed to the growth of the peer-2-peer lending scene. Or it could […]

How Identity Theft Protection Services Work to Protect You

In the United States alone, an estimated 15 million consumers are the victim of identity theft each and every year. Given the ultra-connected environment in which we live, it is no surprise that cyber criminals are constantly on the hunt for gaps in security systems of companies operating online and in physical locations.

The Fair Credit Billing Act – What Consumers Need to Know

In 1974, The Fair Credit Billing Act was set in motion with the intent to protect consumers from errors made on credit card billing statements. Credit card holders have the right to dispute charges – and withhold payment for said charge – without experiencing a hit to their credit should the error be found to […]

FICO Score vs. VantageScore – What’s the Difference?

These days, credit scores rule the universe of personal finance, especially when it comes to getting a new mortgage, an auto loan, a credit card, or even a new job. Credit scores are calculated based on an individual’s use of available credit in the past, and for better or worse, these scores dictate what creditors […]

Get a Free Credit Report From Each of the Credit Bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion & Experian

Receiving your free annual credit report is most easily accomplished by going through – the central website put together by the Federal Trade Commission and the three major credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. The process is simple, whether it is done online, by phone, or through the mail, and does not carry […]

Need Credit Repair Services? Know Your Rights Under the Credit Repair Organizations Act

Maintaining a strong credit history and score is the foundation of a healthy financial life, but for millions of Americans, keeping credit in check in easier said than done. A money misstep, like a missed payment or an account that made its way to collections, can happen to anyone, and it is necessary to work […]

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