Credit Score Ranges: Bad, Poor, Fair, Good, and Excellent Scores

Credit score range checklist.Credit. It’s a tiny word that packs a powerful punch. Your credit, based on your score and history report, is not only an indicator of how much risk you pose to new creditors but also how responsible you may be as an employee, a volunteer, or a renter.

Nearly everyone, from credit card issuers and banks to landlords and corporations, analyzes who you are, financially speaking, based on this three-digit number. That makes it necessary to understand what is considered “good” or “bad” credit.

While there are many different purposes for which credit scores are used in today’s financial world, one thing remains constant. Having a good credit score can help you achieve your financial goals while a bad credit score can hold you back.

Understanding Your Credit Score

The credit scoring system is basically an algorithm that pulls in information from various sources and calculates your individual score based on specific activities and metrics. The two main credit scoring systems: VantageScore and FICO, use sliding scales typically ranging from 300 to 850 depending on which scoring model is used.

Where you fall on each scale at any given time determines if your credit score is good, bad, or somewhere in between. Here’s the breakdown:

Score RangeCredit Category
750 and UpExcellent Credit
700 to 749Good or Strong Credit
650 to 699Fair Credit
550 to 649Poor Credit
550 and belowBad Credit

The credit score ranges listed above seem pretty straightforward, but the truth is new creditors impose their own interpretation of excellent and bad credit, and the scores that fall in between the two.

For example, some financial institutions consider any credit score value above 720 to be excellent, while others view a credit score of 600 or below to be bad. Even though creditors impose their own interpretation on your credit score, the scale with each range above should provide a good guide.

The Formula for Excellent Credit

No matter which brand of credit score values are used, the calculations and rankings are based on similar factors. To have excellent credit, you need to take certain steps in your financial life.

Here are some tips for keeping your credit healthy:

  • Make on-time payments on all credit accounts. For FICO and VantageScore credit scores, timely payments have the most significant impact over time.
  • Keep a healthy level of credit utilization. Typically, the credit score algorithm is improved when you use less than 30% of your available credit limits on revolving accounts, like credit cards and lines of credit.
  • Don’t apply for new accounts all the time. Be mindful of new credit account inquiries as these may lower your credit score.
  • Have a variety of accounts. A good mix of revolving credit accounts like credit cards and installment debt, like auto or personal loans, boosts your credit score calculation.
  • Keep accounts open. Even if you aren’t actively using a credit card, it helps to leave the account available to you for the long haul. Your credit score ranking improves when you have a long history of responsible use.

Final Thoughts on the Different Credit Score Ranges

Credit scores can seem confusing at first, but once you understand the ranges you need to be in to have good to excellent credit profile and the factors that determine your total credit score, you are on the right path.

Take the time to learn these credit score basics so you can improve your credit if needed to have more opportunities for new, affordable credit accounts when you need them.

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Posted on September 13, 2021 by in Credit Monitoring

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